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Integrating the Use of Arches in These 3 Stunning Homes

25 October 2021

Arches have always played a strong role in architectural and structural elements throughout history. Nowadays, arches have found their way into many of our homes, contributing not just to the visual aesthetics, but also to the functionality of the home.

Most of our living spaces are usually rectangular, with straight lines and defined edges. When we add in curves (in this case, arches), it results in a contrast with these linear elements, thus making the space more interesting and dynamic.

1) Bedok Reservoir by Zak

In designer Zak’s Bedok Reservoir project, a curved fluted glass door was used as the bathroom entrance to create a unique focal point in the bedroom. Arched doorways like that tend to stand out as compared to traditional doorways because the curved lines provide a much more interesting and unexpected visual as opposed to the typical straight lines. When used in the right decor style, arched doors can add a touch of elegance to the space and can easily be paired with other shapes and styles to create a unique appearance.

2) Telok Blangah by Roy

The transition between rooms in the home can sometimes look a little clumsy without a proper way to section off the spaces. Choosing to introduce an arched hallway helps to separate the spaces while maintaining elegance and timelessness. As seen here in designer Roy’s Telok Blangah project, the arched walkway is first introduced when one enters the home. The walkway then elongates further and provides a smooth transition between the living room and the entrance to the bedroom.

3) Chai Chee by Serene

The arched walls in designer Serene’s Chai Chee project provide a smooth transition in between different rooms, giving off a consistent and gentle flow.  Arches help in defining large spaces without fully cutting the connection between them; this then provides a seamless transition between two spaces to help you feel as though you are in one big room. They also create an illusion of expanded space as they replace the conventional doors.

The built-in carpentry was specially designed to fit the curved wall of this unique home.

Adding curves at the end of the kitchen softens the transition, giving a sense of movement and flow to the area.

Unlike a regular wall, this arched wall adds a sense of flow to the bedroom which traditional walls with sharp corners don’t. This then makes the transition from the bedroom to the wardrobe seamless, adding character in return.

Switching your regular square mirrors with arched ones can also help to soften your space making it feel more homely and feminine. Rounded shapes are known to help bring calmness with their perfectly rounded edges, thus creating a harmonious atmosphere within the home.

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